The General Public is invited to: ACTap Mental Health Online Webinar and Yoga for Talents and Artistes.
Topic: Mental health Issues affecting Talents/Artistes and the Remedy to Covid-19.
Date: Sunday 22nd November, 2020.
Time: 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM (Australian Eastern Standard Time EST)
REGISTER FOR A FREE VIRTUAL PARTICIPATION VIA THE FOLLOWING LINK: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/actap-mental-health-online-webinar-and-yoga-for-talents-and-artistes-tickets-129291659835
Resource Persons: Dr Amb John Bellavance and Dr Amb Taniya Jay.
Yoga Session: Ms Pippa Richardson of Inspirit Holistic Services.
Moderators: Mr Lambert Abuchi and Mr Juda Attard.
Zoom invite link: https://us05web.zoom.us/j/85693557005?pwd=NUlVUUN1Q0VyeGUyQ0tIUmFuaXVSdz09
Meeting ID: 856 9355 7005
Passcode: actap2020
ACTap Founder/CEO: Evang Amb Adeniyi Ekine
For inquiries:
Website: australiancommunitytalents.org
Phone/WhatsApp: +61432595508, +61423528971
Email: actapexecutive@gmail.com
#ACTap #ACTapMentalhealth #ACTapYoga #Communitytalents #FestivalofTalents #actapawards